Contact persons
Board of Trustees
The Foundation Board defines the strategic goals of the organization and is the highest management body. In accordance with the statutes, the insieme Schaffhausen association elects three members of the Board of Trustees and the Government Council of the Canton of Schaffhausen elects four. Our Managing Director Alain Thomann reports directly to the President of the Board of Trustees, Jeanette Storrer. Meetings of the Board of Trustees are held regularly, usually three to four times a year. The electoral authority and the vested interests of the individual members of the Board of Trustees are listed under the portrait photos.

Jeanette Storrer
Canton of Schaffhausen,
Representative Specialist Group
President of the Foundation Board
Ties of interest at:
- Krebsliga SH (Board member since 2013)
- Künzle Foundation (Foundation Board member since 2013)
- Pro Senectute SH (Member of the Foundation Assembly since 2013)
- Schaffhausen Bar Association (member SHAV since 2005)
- Supervisory Authority for the Bar of the Canton of Schaffhausen (substitute member Supervisory Authority for the Bar since 2020)
- Focus Group Child Protection Schaffhausen (Member Focus Group Child Protection since 2017)
- HKV (member SV and AK since 2007)

Beatrice Pongracz
Verein insieme Schaffhausen,
Vice President
Ties of interest at:
- Hardt Kies Gesellschaft (partner since 2009)

Thomas Merk
Association insieme Schaffhausen
Ties of interest at:
- none

Christine Thommen
Canton Schaffhausen,
Representative City Council Schaffhausen
Ties of interest at:
- Stiftung Impuls (ex officio) (President Board of Trustees since 2021)
- Integres Association (President since 2021)

Hugo Spengler
Association insieme Schaffhausen
Ties of interest at:
- none

Michael Hübscher
Canton Schaffhausen,
Representative IVS
Ties of interest at:
- HÜBSCHER KONZEPT AG (Owner / Managing Director since 2018)
- HÜBSCHER HOLZBAU AG (Owner / President of the Board of Directors since 2013)
- Industry Group Klettgau (President since 2016)
- Schaffhausen Industrial Association (Board of Directors since 2017)

Reto Mittler
Canton Schaffhausen,
Representative Cantonal Government
Ties of interest at:
- Association (Board since 2022)
History of Altra
For the first time, Altra is training numerous learners in the first labor market with the support of a newly created job coaching position in the training area (Supported Education).
Since January 2022, Altra has a permanent position "Job Coaching for employees in the first labor market (inclusion jobs).
The apartments at our residential location Neustadt 56 are being renovated (barrier-free living).
The day structure without pay is very popular. Relocation of the day structure without pay to the Villa Blankenstein property in Promenadenpark.
For the first time in the company's history, the day structure area with and without pay was closed for several weeks at the end of March 2020 to protect our employees. Production was maintained by production aids hired at short notice.
The two workshops Ebnatring and Rhymüli are now together on the SIG site.
In total, about 170 people from Altra work in Neuhausen.
Initial certification food FSSC 22000
Foundation of the Inclusion Council. The council consists of 15 members from different areas.
New ISO14001 (Environmental Management) certification underscores Altra's environmental focus.
For the first time in Altra's history, focal points are documented and visualized in short films.
Altra Schaffhausen celebrates its 50th anniversary with numerous events.
Richard Rickli retires and hands over the management to Alain Thomann.
Herbert E. Bolli steps down as Chairman of the Foundation Board after 16 years.
With Jeanette Storrer, an experienced and motivated successor could be engaged for this task.